Sunday, December 9, 2018

My Visual Travel Experience: Xi'an

I had heard a lot about the city of Xi'an, famous the world over for its Terracotta Warriors, which are often referred to as the Eighth Wonder of the World. So when I got a chance to visit China for the first time in 2013, I made it a point to go to Xi'an. My wife and I spent 4 days in this fascinating city.

Xi’an is the capital of China's Shaanxi province and is a historical city with a population of over 6.5 million. Through its long history, the town served as a capital to 11 dynasties, spread over 4,000 years.  It used to be called Chang’an before the Ming Dynasty. Xi’an became an important town in the 11th century BC with the founding of the Zhou Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty unified China in the 2nd century BC and the capital was in the vicinity of modern Xi’an. The first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, built the famous Terracotta Army to protect his tomb. The City Walls around Xi’an were constructed in the 14th century AD during the Ming Dynasty.

With its rich historical heritage, Xi’an has many tourist attractions that make it one of China’s most visited cities. The top sites include the Terracota Army, the City Walls, the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, the Great Goose Pagoda and the Small Goose Pagoda. The one unique feature of the city is that the city centre is enclosed within a 14 kilometer long rectangular wall, that was built to fortify the city and save it from attack. The City Walls are still intact.

The Terracotta Warriors were discovered by a group of farmers in 1974. The army of over 7,000 soldiers dates back to 200 BC, and the army was made to guard the tomb of Emperor Win Shi Huangdi, who is supposed to have been buried in a hill over a kilometer away. The army is present in three pits. Pit 1 is the largest, with close to 6,000 soldiers in battle formation. After the discovery, restoration was a major exercise, and each warrior has had to be individually restored carefully. The spectacular site has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Pit 1, Terracotta Warriors
Pit 2, Terracotta Warriors
The Bell Tower lies right in the centre of Xi’an, where the city’s four main streets converge.  The Bell Tower stands on a brick platform. It dates back to 1384, but was moved to its present location in 1582. The structure has numerous bells, chimes and musical instruments. It used to house a bronze bell that was struck every morning.
Bell Tower
Interior, Bell Tower
Bell, Bell Tower
The Drum Tower lies close to the Bell Tower. It dates back to 1380. It has a collection of drums and other musical instruments. Upstairs, visitors can get to see beautiful wooden furniture.
Drum Tower

Tang Drum, Drum Tower
Xi’an’s City Walls are still intact, and form a 14 kilometer rectangle around the city center. The walls are 12 meters high. The City Walls date back to 1370, to the time of the first Ming Emperor, Hongwu. It is possible for visitors to climb the steps and get on the walls, where they can walk or even rent bicycles. A unique experience! My wife and I enjoyed our cycling experience along the City Walls.

South Gate, City Walls
The Great Goose Pagoda was built during the Tang Dynasty in the 7th century AD. The pagoda was built in memory of Empress Wende. The pagoda’s tower is 64 meters tall. It was built to store scriptures from India, brought by the monk Xuanzang.  
Great Goose Pagoda
Hall of Sakyamuni, Great Goose Pagoda

Hall of the God of Wealth, Great Goose Pagoda
The Small Goose Pagoda dates back to the 8th century AD. It was built to protect scriptures brought back from India. The pagoda’s tower is 43 meters tall.
Small Goose Pagoda
Bell Tower, Small Goose Pagoda

The Shaanxi History Museum has a strong collection of ceramics, bronzes, jade pieces, gold and silver works and calligraphy. Different periods from China’s long history are represented here. The building itself has Tang Dynasty style architecture.
Green Glazed Dog (2nd Century AD), Shaanxi History Museum
Painted Female Figure Holding a Mirror (6th to 9th Century AD),
 Shaanxi History Museum
Tri Coloured Horse (6th to 9th Century AD),
 Shaanxi History Museum
Zhongshan Grotto, Shaanxi History Museum
White Glazed Porcelain Pillow (11th Century AD),
 Shaanxi History Museum
Bronze Ox Shaped Zun (10th Century AD),
Shaanxi History Museum
The Banpo Museum stands on an excavated site of the Banpo tribe, dating back 6,000 years. The museum has a collection of weapons, tools, utensils and skeletons of the Banpo tribe. There is also an excavated village. Also exhibited are life size models of Banpo tribals, engaged in different activities like hunting and fruit picking.
Fragments of Pots, Banpo Museum
Banpo Man and Woman, Banpo Museum
Banpo Hunters, Banpo Museum
Skeleton of 2 Banpo Men, Banpo Museum
The Muslim Quarter lies in the heart of the city, behind the Drum Tower. The area is charming and well worth a visit, with its narrow lanes and bazaars. It is a great place for souvenir shopping, and to experience local food.
Silk Outfits, Muslim Quarter
Terracotta Warrior Models, Muslim Quarter
After the mega cities of Shanghai and Beijing, Xi'an certainly ranks as one of the most interesting cities in China. The Terracotta Warriors are undoubtedly spectacular, but the city also has a lot of other sites that warrant a visit too. 

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